changeset 30:7202674c6f51 Prospect Me 2

Remove from Prospect Me 2
author Vynn <>
date Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:31:41 -0500 (2016-11-08)
parents 54c10e47c9e0
children c11461d5095c
files ProspectMe_Aurora.lua
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/ProspectMe_Aurora.lua	Tue Nov 08 02:30:38 2016 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
---To Do
---Create Item Frame
---Layout Item Frame (Icon, name, value, cost to prospect, prospect into)
---Create Scroll Frame/Child
---ability to remove items/results
---Ability to set prices of components.
---Prospect from the frame?
-local DebugID = "52183"
-local FWIDTH = 1000
-local FHEIGHT = 1000
-local xOffset = 0
-local yOffset = 0
-local function CreateEntry (EntryID)
-	local FRAMEID = EntryID.."_Frame"
-	local ICONID = EntryID.."_Icon"
-	local NAMEID = EntryID.."_Name"
-	local COSTID = EntryID.."_Cost"
-	local VALUEID = EntryID.."_Value"
-	--if PM_ResultsTable[EntryID] then
-		local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", FRAMEID, UIParent)
-		frame:SetPoint("CENTER", xOffset, yOffset)
-		frame:SetSize(FWIDTH, FHEIGHT)
- 		local icon = CreateFrame("Button", ICONID, frame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
- 		print(PM_ItemTable[EntryID].texture)
- 		icon:SetPoint("TOP", 0,0)
- 		icon:SetTexture(0,0,1)
- 		local name = frame:CreateFontString( NAMEID, nil, "GameFontNormal" )
- 		name:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 32)
- 		name:SetText(PM_ItemTable[EntryID].name)
- 		local cost = frame:CreateFontString( COSTID, nil, "GameFontNormal" )
- 		cost:SetPoint("TOP", 16, 32)
- 		cost:SetText(PM_FormatPrice(PM_ItemTable[EntryID].price * 5))
- 		local value = frame:CreateFontString( VALUEID, nil, "GameFontNormal" )
- 		value:SetPoint("TOP", 16, 64)
- 		value:SetText(PM_FormatPrice(PM_GetReturn(EntryID)))
- 		for i, k in pairs(PM_ResultsTable[EntryID]) do
- 			local off = 128
- 			if i ~= timesProspected then
- 				local RESULTID = i.."_Result"
- 				local result = CreateFrame("Button", RESULTID, frame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
- 				result:SetPoint("TOP",0, off)
- 				result:Settexture(0,1,0)
- 				result:SetText(PM_FormatPrice(PM_ItemTable[i].price))
- 				off = off + 32
- 			end
- 		end
- 		frame:Show()
- 		frame:SetToplevel(true)
-		frame:SetFrameLevel(100) 
-	--end
-function PM_Debug()
-print("Preparing to Create Entry")
-print("Entry Created!")