changeset 0:69b46322ff1b v1.2.1-Alpha

Updated Prospect me for initial client v6.0.3 support. Warning, there may be bugs!
author Vynn
date Mon, 15 Dec 2014 22:51:49 -0500 (2014-12-16)
children 37751cf89a28
files ProspectMe.lua ProspectMe.toc ProspectMe_Aurora.lua ProspectMe_Config.lua ProspectMe_Tooltip.lua ProspectMe_Value.lua localization.lua
diffstat 7 files changed, 683 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ProspectMe.lua	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+local PROSPECT_ID = 31252
+local MILLING_ID = 51005
+local PROSPECT = GetSpellInfo(PROSPECT_ID)
+local MILLING = GetSpellInfo(MILLING_ID)
+local containerID, containerLink = nil, nil
+local getContents = false
+local function PM_Init()
+	if not PM_ResultsTable then
+		PM_ResultsTable = {}
+		PM_ItemTable = {}
+	end
+	PM_SessionTable = {}
+local function CreateTableEntry(id)
+	local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subclass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo(id)
+	PM_ItemTable[id] = {}
+	PM_ItemTable[id].name = name 
+	PM_ItemTable[id].link = link
+	PM_ItemTable[id].quality = quality
+	PM_ItemTable[id].iLevel = iLevel
+	PM_ItemTable[id].reqLevel = reqLevel
+	PM_ItemTable[id].class = class
+	PM_ItemTable[id].subclass = subclass
+	PM_ItemTable[id].maxStack = maxStack
+	PM_ItemTable[id].equipSlot = equipSlot
+	PM_ItemTable[id].texture = texture
+	PM_ItemTable[id].vendorPrice = vendorPrice
+	PM_ItemTable[id].price = PM_GetItemValue(id)
+--debugging function to print the databases results
+function PM_PrintResults()
+	for container, k in pairs(PM_ResultsTable) do
+		print(PM_ItemTable[container].link, PM_ResultsTable[container].timesProspected)
+		for i, num in pairs(k) do 
+			if i ~= "timesProspected" then
+				print(PM_ItemTable[i].link, num)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function GetResults()
+	--Create tables for the Container if it doesn't exist yet
+	if not PM_ResultsTable[containerID] then
+		PM_ResultsTable[containerID] = {timesProspected = 0}
+		CreateTableEntry(containerID)
+	end
+	--Creates a session table entry, this will be cleared on log out/UI reload
+	if not PM_SessionTable[containerID] then
+		PM_SessionTable[containerID] = {timesProspected = 0}
+	end
+	for i = 1, GetNumLootItems() do
+		local itemID = GetLootSlotLink(i):match("Hitem:(%d+)")
+		local quantity = select(3, GetLootSlotInfo(i))
+		if not PM_ItemTable[itemID]	then
+			CreateTableEntry(itemID)
+		end
+		if PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] then
+			PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] = PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] + quantity
+		else
+			PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] = quantity
+		end
+		if PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] then
+			PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] = PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] + quantity
+		else
+			PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] = quantity
+		end
+	end
+	PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected = PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected + 1
+	PM_SessionTable[containerID].timesProspected = PM_SessionTable[containerID].timesProspected + 1
+local function EventHandler(self, event, ...)
+	if event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then
+		PM_Init()
+		PM_UpdateValues()
+	end
+		local unitID, spell, rank = ...
+		if unitID == "player" and spell == PROSPECT then
+			getContents = false
+		end
+	end
+	if event == "LOOT_OPENED" then
+		if getContents then
+			GetResults()
+		end
+	end
+	if event == "LOOT_CLOSED" then
+		getContents = false
+	end
+	if event == "AUCTION_ITEM_LIST_UPDATE" then
+		PM_UpdateValues()
+	end
+local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "PM_Frame")
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", EventHandler)
+hooksecurefunc("UseContainerItem", function(...)
+	if getContents then
+		containerLink = GetContainerItemLink(...)
+		containerID = containerLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)")
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("UseItemByName", function(itemName)
+	if getContents then
+		containerLink = select(2, GetItemInfo(itemName))
+		containerID = containerLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)")
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("SpellTargetItem", function(itemName) 
+	if getContents then 
+		containerLink = select(2, GetItemInfo(itemName)) 
+		containerID = containerLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)") 
+	end 
+hooksecurefunc("CastSpell", function(...)
+	local spellName = GetSpellInfo(...)
+	if spellName:lower() == PROSPECT:lower() or spellName:lower() == MILLING:lower() then
+		getContents = true
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("CastSpellByID", function(spellID)
+	if spellID == PROSPECT_ID or spellID == MILLING_ID then
+		getContents = true
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("UseAction", function(actionID)
+	local spellID = select(2, GetActionInfo(actionID))
+	if spellID == PROSPECT_ID or spellID == MILLING_ID then
+		getContents = true
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("CastSpellByName", function(spellName, onSelf)
+	if spellName:lower() == PROSPECT:lower() or spellName:lower() == MILLING:lower() then
+		getContents = true
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ProspectMe.toc	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+## Interface: 60000
+## Title: Prospect Me
+## Notes: An addon for tracking the results of prospecting.
+## Author: Vynn of Khadgar (US)
+## Version: 1.2.1
+## SavedVariables: PM_ResultsTable, PM_ItemTable, PM_Config
+## X-Category: 
+## X-Website: 
+## X-Email: 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ProspectMe_Aurora.lua	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+--To Do
+--Create Item Frame
+--Layout Item Frame (Icon, name, value, cost to prospect, prospect into)
+--Create Scroll Frame/Child
+--ability to remove items/results
+--Ability to set prices of components.
+--Prospect from the frame?
+local DebugID = "52183"
+local FWIDTH = 1000
+local FHEIGHT = 1000
+local xOffset = 0
+local yOffset = 0
+local function CreateEntry (EntryID)
+	local FRAMEID = EntryID.."_Frame"
+	local ICONID = EntryID.."_Icon"
+	local NAMEID = EntryID.."_Name"
+	local COSTID = EntryID.."_Cost"
+	local VALUEID = EntryID.."_Value"
+	--if PM_ResultsTable[EntryID] then
+		local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", FRAMEID, UIParent)
+		frame:SetPoint("CENTER", xOffset, yOffset)
+		frame:SetSize(FWIDTH, FHEIGHT)
+ 		local icon = CreateFrame("Button", ICONID, frame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+ 		print(PM_ItemTable[EntryID].texture)
+ 		icon:SetPoint("TOP", 0,0)
+ 		icon:SetTexture(0,0,1)
+ 		local name = frame:CreateFontString( NAMEID, nil, "GameFontNormal" )
+ 		name:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 32)
+ 		name:SetText(PM_ItemTable[EntryID].name)
+ 		local cost = frame:CreateFontString( COSTID, nil, "GameFontNormal" )
+ 		cost:SetPoint("TOP", 16, 32)
+ 		cost:SetText(PM_FormatPrice(PM_ItemTable[EntryID].price * 5))
+ 		local value = frame:CreateFontString( VALUEID, nil, "GameFontNormal" )
+ 		value:SetPoint("TOP", 16, 64)
+ 		value:SetText(PM_FormatPrice(PM_GetReturn(EntryID)))
+ 		for i, k in pairs(PM_ResultsTable[EntryID]) do
+ 			local off = 128
+ 			if i ~= timesProspected then
+ 				local RESULTID = i.."_Result"
+ 				local result = CreateFrame("Button", RESULTID, frame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+ 				result:SetPoint("TOP",0, off)
+ 				result:Settexture(0,1,0)
+ 				result:SetText(PM_FormatPrice(PM_ItemTable[i].price))
+ 				off = off + 32
+ 			end
+ 		end
+ 		frame:Show()
+ 		frame:SetToplevel(true)
+		frame:SetFrameLevel(100) 
+	--end
+function PM_Debug()
+print("Preparing to Create Entry")
+print("Entry Created!")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ProspectMe_Config.lua	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+PM_Config = {}
+local ProspectMeFrame = CreateFrame( "Frame", "PM_ConfigFrame", InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer)
+local Title = PM_ConfigFrame:CreateFontString( "ProspectMeTitle", nil, "GameFontNormalLarge")
+local ResultsToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMeResultsToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local EpicToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMeEpicToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local RareToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMeRareToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local UncommonToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMeUncommonToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local CommonToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMeCommonToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local PoorToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMePoorToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local SessionToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMeSessionToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local PercentToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMePercentToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local NumberToggle = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "ProspectMeNumberToggle", ProspectMeFrame, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
+local ResetResults = CreateFrame( "Button", "ProspectMeResetButton", ProspectMeFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate" )
+local ResetText = PM_ConfigFrame:CreateFontString( "ProspectMeResetText", nil, "GameFontNormal" )
+local function SetDefaults()
+	PM_Config.results = true
+	PM_Config.qualities ={[0] = false,[1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [4] = true}
+	PM_Config.session = false
+	PM_Config.percent = true
+	PM_Config.number = true
+	PM_Config.savedVariables = true
+local function SpewMessage(handle, msg)
+	if handle == "loaded" then
+		print(PM_LOADMSG)
+	elseif handle == "help" then
+		print(PM_HELPMSG)
+	else
+		print("|cFFFFCC00" .. handle .. "|r - " .. msg)
+	end
+local function ClearEntry(id)
+	if PM_ResultsTable[id] then
+		wipe(PM_ResultsTable[id])
+	end
+	if PM_SessionTable[id] then
+		wipe(PM_SessionTable[id])
+	end
+local function ResetDatabase()
+	for i, v in pairs(PM_ResultsTable) do
+		ClearEntry(i)
+	end
+	wipe(PM_ResultsTable)
+	wipe(PM_SessionTable)
+local function UpdateConfig()
+	PM_Config.results = ProspectMeResultsToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.qualities[0] = ProspectMePoorToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.qualities[1] = ProspectMeCommonToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.qualities[2] = ProspectMeUncommonToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.qualities[3] = ProspectMeRareToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.qualities[4] = ProspectMeEpicToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.session = ProspectMeSessionToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.percent = ProspectMePercentToggle:GetChecked()
+	PM_Config.number = ProspectMeNumberToggle:GetChecked()
+	if (PM_Config.results) then
+		ProspectMePoorToggle:Enable()
+		ProspectMeCommonToggle:Enable()
+		ProspectMeUncommonToggle:Enable()
+		ProspectMeRareToggle:Enable()
+		ProspectMeEpicToggle:Enable()
+		PM_Config.qualities[0] = ProspectMePoorToggle:GetChecked()
+		PM_Config.qualities[1] = ProspectMeCommonToggle:GetChecked()
+		PM_Config.qualities[2] = ProspectMeUncommonToggle:GetChecked()
+		PM_Config.qualities[3] = ProspectMeRareToggle:GetChecked()
+		PM_Config.qualities[4] = ProspectMeEpicToggle:GetChecked()
+	else
+		ProspectMePoorToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeCommonToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeUncommonToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeRareToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeEpicToggle:Disable()
+	end
+local function PM_ConfigInit()
+	StaticPopupDialogs["PM_ConfirmReset"] = {
+  		text = PM_RESETWARNING,
+  		button1 = YES,
+  		button2 = NO,
+  		OnAccept = function()
+      		ResetDatabase()
+  		end,
+  		timeout = 30,
+  		whileDead = true,
+  		hideOnEscape = true,
+  		preferredIndex = 3,
+		}
+ = "Prospect Me"
+	ProspectMeTitle:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -16)
+	ProspectMeTitle:SetText(GetAddOnMetadata("ProspectMe", "Title") .. " v" .. GetAddOnMetadata("ProspectMe", "Version"))
+	ProspectMeSessionToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 32, -46 )
+	ProspectMeSessionToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMeSessionToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.session)
+	ProspectMeSessionToggleText:SetText(PM_SESSIONTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMeSessionToggle.tooltipText = PM_SESSIONTOOLTIP
+	ProspectMePercentToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 32, -70 )
+	ProspectMePercentToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMePercentToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.percent)
+	ProspectMePercentToggleText:SetText(PM_PERCENTTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMePercentToggle.tooltipText = PM_PERCENTTOOLTIP
+	ProspectMeNumberToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 32, -94 )
+	ProspectMeNumberToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMeNumberToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.number)
+	ProspectMeNumberToggleText:SetText(PM_NUMBERTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMeNumberToggle.tooltipText = PM_NUMBERTOOLTIP
+	ProspectMeResultsToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 32, -118 )
+	ProspectMeResultsToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMeResultsToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.results)
+	ProspectMeResultsToggleText:SetText(PM_RESULTSTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMeResultsToggle.tooltipText = PM_RESULTSTOOLTIP
+	ProspectMeEpicToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 60, -142 )
+	ProspectMeEpicToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMeEpicToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.qualities[4])
+	ProspectMeEpicToggleText:SetText(PM_EPICTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMeEpicToggle.tooltipText = PM_EPICTOOLTIP
+	ProspectMeRareToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 60, -166 )
+	ProspectMeRareToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMeRareToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.qualities[3])
+	ProspectMeRareToggleText:SetText(PM_RARETOGGLE)
+	ProspectMeRareToggle.tooltipText = PM_RARETOOLTIP
+	ProspectMeUncommonToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 60, -190 )
+	ProspectMeUncommonToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMeUncommonToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.qualities[2])
+	ProspectMeUncommonToggleText:SetText(PM_UNCOMMONTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMeUncommonToggle.tooltipText = PM_UNCOMMONTOOLTIP
+	ProspectMeCommonToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 60, -214 )
+	ProspectMeCommonToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMeCommonToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.qualities[1])
+	ProspectMeCommonToggleText:SetText(PM_COMMONTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMeCommonToggle.tooltipText = PM_COMMONTOOLTIP
+	ProspectMePoorToggle:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 60, -238 )
+	ProspectMePoorToggle:SetScript("OnClick", UpdateConfig)
+	ProspectMePoorToggle:SetChecked(PM_Config.qualities[0])
+	ProspectMePoorToggleText:SetText(PM_POORTOGGLE)
+	ProspectMePoorToggle.tooltipText = PM_POORTOOLTIP
+	if (PM_Config.results == false) then
+		ProspectMePoorToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeCommonToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeUncommonToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeRareToggle:Disable()
+		ProspectMeEpicToggle:Disable()
+	end
+	ProspectMeResetButton:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -310 )
+	ProspectMeResetButton:SetScript("OnClick", 	function(self) StaticPopup_Show("PM_ConfirmReset") end)
+	ProspectMeResetButton:SetSize(250, 25)
+	ProspectMeResetButton:SetText(PM_RESETBUTTON)
+	ProspectMeResetText:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -286)
+	ProspectMeResetText:SetText(PM_RESETTOOLTIP)
+	InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(ProspectMeFrame)
+function ProspectMeEventHandler(event, arg1)
+	if (PM_Config.savedVariables) then
+		PM_ConfigInit()
+	else
+		SetDefaults()
+		PM_ConfigInit()
+	end
+	SpewMessage("loaded")
+function SlashCmdList.PROSPECTME(msg, editbox)
+	if msg == PM_CONFIG then
+		InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(ProspectMeFrame)
+	elseif msg == PM_RESULTS then
+		ProspectMeResultsToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMeResultsToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_EPIC then
+		ProspectMeEpicToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMeEpicToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_RARE then
+		ProspectMeRareToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMeRareToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_UNCOMMON then
+		ProspectMeUncommonToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMeUncommonToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_COMMON then
+		ProspectMeCommonToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMeCommonToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()		
+	elseif msg == PM_POOR then
+		ProspectMePoorToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMePoorToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_SESSION then
+		ProspectMeSessionToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMeSessionToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_PERCENT then
+		ProspectMePercentToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMePercentToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_NUMBER then
+		ProspectMeNumberToggle:SetChecked(not ProspectMeNumberToggle:GetChecked())
+		UpdateConfig()
+	elseif msg == PM_RESET then
+		StaticPopup_Show("PM_ConfirmReset")
+	else
+		SpewMessage("help")
+	end
+ProspectMeFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", ProspectMeEventHandler)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ProspectMe_Tooltip.lua	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+PM_HERBSUBCLASS = select(6, GetAuctionItemSubClasses(6))
+PM_ORESUBCLASS = select(4, GetAuctionItemSubClasses(6))
+function PM_FormatPrice(value)
+	local GSC_GOLD="ffffd100"
+	local GSC_SILVER="ffe6e6e6"
+	local GSC_COPPER="ffc8602c"
+	local g, s, c
+	local digits = 0
+	local gsc
+	g = math.floor(value/10000)
+	s = math.fmod(math.floor(value/100),100)
+	c = math.fmod(value,100)
+	digits = math.floor(math.log10(value)+1)
+	if ( digits < 3 ) then
+		gsc = string.format("   |c%s%2d|r",  GSC_COPPER, c)
+	elseif ( digits < 5 ) then
+		gsc = string.format("|c%s%2d|r |c%s%02d|r", GSC_SILVER, s, GSC_COPPER, c)
+	elseif ( digits < 7 ) then
+		gsc = string.format("|c%s%2d|r |c%s%02d|r", GSC_GOLD, g, GSC_SILVER, s)
+	elseif ( digits < 9 ) then
+		gsc = string.format("|c%s%5d|r", GSC_GOLD, g)
+	else
+		gsc = string.format("|c%s%2.1fk|r", GSC_GOLD, g/1000)
+	end
+	return gsc
+function PM_GetReturn(containerID)
+	local averageReturn = 0
+	if PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected > 0 then
+		for itemID, num in pairs(PM_ResultsTable[containerID]) do
+			if itemID ~= "timesProspected" then
+				averageReturn = averageReturn + PM_ItemTable[itemID].price * num 
+			end
+		end
+		averageReturn = averageReturn/PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected
+	end
+		return tonumber(string.format("%.0f", averageReturn))
+local cleared = true
+local function OnTooltipCleared(self)
+   cleared = true   
+local function OnTooltipSetItem(self)
+	if cleared then
+		local name, tooltipLink = self:GetItem()
+		if tooltipLink then
+			local item = tooltipLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)")
+			if PM_ResultsTable[item] then
+				--NumofEachQuality, Percent of Each Quality
+				self:AddLine(" ")
+				self:AddLine("Prospect Me",0.5,1,0.5)
+				if PM_ItemTable[item].subclass == PM_ORESUBCLASS then
+					self:AddLine("Times Prospected: " .. PM_ResultsTable[item].timesProspected)
+					self:AddDoubleLine("Cost to Prospect: " .. PM_FormatPrice(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price), " Average Return: " .. PM_FormatPrice(PM_GetReturn(item)))
+				elseif PM_ItemTable[item].subclass == PM_HERBSUBCLASS then
+					self:AddLine("Times Milled: " .. PM_ResultsTable[item].timesProspected)
+					self:AddDoubleLine("Cost to Mill: " .. PM_FormatPrice(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price), " Average Return: " .. PM_FormatPrice(PM_GetReturn(item)))
+				end
+				if PM_GetReturn(item)-(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price) > 0 then
+					self:AddLine("Estimated Profit: " .. PM_FormatPrice(PM_GetReturn(item)-(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price)))
+					self:AddLine(" ")
+				else
+					self:AddLine("No profit to be made",1,0,0)
+					self:AddLine(" ")
+				end
+				if PM_Config.results then
+					local t
+					if IsAltKeyDown() == PM_Config.session then
+						t = PM_ResultsTable
+						self:AddDoubleLine("Lifetime Results","Hold/Release Alt to toggle",0.5,0.5,1,0.5,0.5,0.5)
+					else
+						t = PM_SessionTable
+						self:AddDoubleLine("Session Results","Hold/Release Alt to toggle",0.5,0.5,1,0.5,0.5,0.5)
+					end
+					if t[item] then
+						for q = 7, 0, -1 do
+							for result, num in pairs(t[item]) do 
+								if result ~= "timesProspected" and PM_ItemTable[result].quality == q and PM_Config.qualities[q] then
+									local p, n = "", ""
+									if PM_Config.percent then
+										p = num/t[item].timesProspected*100
+										if p < 10 then
+											p = string.format("[%.1f%%]", p)
+										else
+											p = string.format("[%.0f%%]", p)
+										end
+									else
+										p = ""
+									end
+									if PM_Config.number then
+										n = "[" .. num .. "]"
+									else
+										n = ""
+									end
+									self:AddDoubleLine(p .. PM_ItemTable[result].link .. n, PM_FormatPrice(PM_ItemTable[result].price))
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					self:AddLine(" ")
+				end
+			end
+			cleared = true
+		end
+	end
+GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipCleared", OnTooltipCleared)
+GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", OnTooltipSetItem)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ProspectMe_Value.lua	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+function PM_GetItemValue(itemID)
+	local v = nil
+	if GetAuctionBuyout then -- if an installed addon supports Tekkub's GetAuctionBuyout API: Auctionator, AuctionLite, etc...
+		v = GetAuctionBuyout(itemID)
+	end
+	if v == nil then
+		if AucAdvanced then -- Auctioneer Support
+			v = AucAdvanced.API.GetMarketValue(PM_ItemTable[itemID].link)
+		else -- if nothing else, use the vendor price!
+			v = PM_ItemTable[itemID].vendorPrice
+		end
+	end
+	if v == nil then -- provides a failsafe if Auctioneer, etc is set to Load on Demand
+		v = PM_ItemTable[itemID].vendorPrice
+	end
+	return tonumber(v)
+function PM_UpdateValues()
+	for k,v in pairs(PM_ItemTable) do
+		PM_ItemTable[k].price = PM_GetItemValue(k)
+	end
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/localization.lua	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+-- slash commands
+SLASH_PROSPECTME1, SLASH_PROSPECTME2 = "/prospectme", "/pm"
+-- Load confirmation msg (addon name, version and slash commands are inserted automatically): 
+--Prospect Me v#.# Loaded - Use /prospectme or /pm for Help!
+PM_LOADMSG = "|cFFFFCC00" .. GetAddOnMetadata("ProspectMe", "Title") .. "|r v|cFF00FF00" .. GetAddOnMetadata("ProspectMe", "Version") .. "|r Loaded - Use |cAAFFCC00" .. SLASH_PROSPECTME1 .. "|r or |cAAFFCC00" .. SLASH_PROSPECTME2 .. "|r for Help!"
+-- Help Message (slash commands are inserted automatically): 
+--Use /prospectme or /pm followed by an argument:
+PM_HELPMSG = "Use |cFFFFCC00" .. SLASH_PROSPECTME1 .. "|r or |cFFFFCC00" .. SLASH_PROSPECTME2 .. "|r followed by an argument:"
+--Headers for Options Frame
+PM_RESULTSHEADER = "Display Detailed Results"
+PM_RESETBUTTON = "Reset Database"
+PM_RESETWARNING = "Resetting Prospect Me will wipe all results from the database! Are you sure you want to do this?"
+-- Arguments for slash handling. Example: /prospectme results.
+PM_CONFIG = "config"
+PM_RESULTS = "results"
+PM_EPIC = "epic"
+PM_RARE = "rare"
+PM_UNCOMMON = "uncommon"
+PM_COMMON = "common"
+PM_POOR = "poor"
+PM_SESSION = "session"
+PM_PERCENT = "percent"
+PM_NUMBER = "number"
+PM_RESET = "reset"
+-- Options Frame checkbox names
+PM_RESULTSTOGGLE = "Show Detailed Results"
+PM_EPICTOGGLE = "|c00A335EE[Epic]|r"
+PM_RARETOGGLE = "|c000070DD[Rare]|r"
+PM_UNCOMMONTOGGLE = "|c001EFF00[Uncommon]|r"
+PM_POORTOGGLE = "|c009D9D9D[Poor]|r"
+PM_SESSIONTOGGLE = "Default to Per-Session Display"
+PM_PERCENTTOGGLE = "Show Percentage Results"
+PM_NUMBERTOGGLE = "Show Number Results"
+-- Tooltips, displayed with the /prospectme help dialog and when mousing over check boxes in the blizzard interface options frame.
+PM_CONFIGTOOLTIP = "Shows the Prospect Me Configuration Frame."
+PM_RESULTSTOOLTIP = "Toggles the showing of detailed results in the tooltip."
+PM_EPICTOOLTIP = "Toggles the display of Epic quality results."
+PM_RARETOOLTIP = "Toggles the display of Rare quality results."
+PM_UNCOMMONTOOLTIP = "Toggles the display of Uncommon quality results."
+PM_COMMONTOOLTIP = "Toggles the display of Common quality results."
+PM_POORTOOLTIP = "Toggles the display of Poor quality results."
+PM_SESSIONTOOLTIP = "Toggles the default tooltip display between Lifetime and Session Results. Holding Alt will temporarily display the alternative"
+PM_PERCENTTOOLTIP = "Toggles the display of result percentages"
+PM_NUMBERTOOLTIP = "Toggles the display of result totals"
+PM_RESETTOOLTIP = "Reset the Prospect Me database to an empty state"
\ No newline at end of file