changeset 36:5cbaaee1e7db Prospect Me 2

Updated Tooltips to support V2
author Vynn <>
date Thu, 10 Nov 2016 12:26:14 -0500 (2016-11-10)
parents 705d0595006a
children 78a07841e004
files ProspectMe_Tooltip.lua ProspectMe_Value.lua
diffstat 2 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/ProspectMe_Tooltip.lua	Thu Nov 10 12:25:50 2016 -0500
+++ b/ProspectMe_Tooltip.lua	Thu Nov 10 12:26:14 2016 -0500
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
 --PM_HERBSUBCLASS = select(6, GetAuctionItemSubClasses(6))
 --PM_ORESUBCLASS = select(4, GetAuctionItemSubClasses(6))
---Hardcoded until I find a better solution now that GetAuctionItemSubClass() has changed
-PM_ORESUBCLASS = "Metal & Stone"
+local Quality = { [0] = "Junk", [1]= "Common", [2] = "Uncommon", [3] = "Rare", [4] = "Epic", }
-function PM_FormatPrice(value)
+local function Initialize()
+	ProspectMe.FormatPrice = function (value)
-	local GSC_GOLD="ffffd100"
-	local GSC_SILVER="ffe6e6e6"
-	local GSC_COPPER="ffc8602c"
+		local GSC_GOLD="ffffd100"
+		local GSC_SILVER="ffe6e6e6"
+		local GSC_COPPER="ffc8602c"
-	local g, s, c
-	local digits = 0
-	local gsc
+		local g, s, c
+		local digits = 0
+		local gsc
-	g = math.floor(value/10000)
-	s = math.fmod(math.floor(value/100),100)
-	c = math.fmod(value,100)
+		g = math.floor(value/10000)
+		s = math.fmod(math.floor(value/100),100)
+		c = math.fmod(value,100)
-	digits = math.floor(math.log10(value)+1)
+		digits = math.floor(math.log10(value)+1)
-	if ( digits < 3 ) then
-		gsc = string.format("   |c%s%2d|r",  GSC_COPPER, c)
-	elseif ( digits < 5 ) then
-		gsc = string.format("|c%s%2d|r |c%s%02d|r", GSC_SILVER, s, GSC_COPPER, c)
-	elseif ( digits < 7 ) then
-		gsc = string.format("|c%s%2d|r |c%s%02d|r", GSC_GOLD, g, GSC_SILVER, s)
-	elseif ( digits < 9 ) then
-		gsc = string.format("|c%s%5d|r", GSC_GOLD, g)
-	else
-		gsc = string.format("|c%s%2.1fk|r", GSC_GOLD, g/1000)
+		if ( digits < 3 ) then
+			gsc = string.format("   |c%s%2d|r",  GSC_COPPER, c)
+		elseif ( digits < 5 ) then
+			gsc = string.format("|c%s%2d|r |c%s%02d|r", GSC_SILVER, s, GSC_COPPER, c)
+		elseif ( digits < 7 ) then
+			gsc = string.format("|c%s%2d|r |c%s%02d|r", GSC_GOLD, g, GSC_SILVER, s)
+		elseif ( digits < 9 ) then
+			gsc = string.format("|c%s%5d|r", GSC_GOLD, g)
+		else
+			gsc = string.format("|c%s%2.1fk|r", GSC_GOLD, g/1000)
+		end
+		return gsc
-	return gsc
-function PM_GetReturn(containerID)
-	local averageReturn = 0
-	if PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected > 0 then
-		for itemID, num in pairs(PM_ResultsTable[containerID]) do
-			if itemID ~= "timesProspected" then
-				averageReturn = averageReturn + PM_ItemTable[itemID].price * num 
+	ProspectMe.GetReturn = function (containerID)
+		local averageReturn = 0
+		if ProspectMe.Results[containerID].TimesProspected > 0 then
+			for itemID, num in pairs(ProspectMe.Results[containerID]) do
+				if itemID ~= "TimesProspected" then
+					averageReturn = averageReturn + ProspectMe.GetItemValue(itemID) * num 
+				end
+			averageReturn = averageReturn/ProspectMe.Results[containerID].TimesProspected
-		averageReturn = averageReturn/PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected
+			return tonumber(string.format("%.0f", averageReturn))
-		return tonumber(string.format("%.0f", averageReturn))
 local cleared = true
@@ -59,59 +59,51 @@
 	if cleared then
 		local name, tooltipLink = self:GetItem()
 		if tooltipLink then
-			local item = tooltipLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)")
-			if PM_ResultsTable[item] then
-				local lifetimeReturn = PM_GetReturn(item)
+			local item = tonumber(tooltipLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)"))
+			if ProspectMe.Results[item] then
+				local price = ProspectMe.GetItemValue(item)
+				local lifetimeReturn = ProspectMe.GetReturn(item)
 				--NumofEachQuality, Percent of Each Quality
 				self:AddLine(" ")
 				self:AddLine("Prospect Me",0.5,1,0.5)
-				-- Subclass Detection is broken in Legion - may need to hard-code this or find another way of getting locatlizes subclass names.
-				if PM_ItemTable[item].subclass == PM_ORESUBCLASS then
-					self:AddLine("Times Prospected: " .. PM_ResultsTable[item].timesProspected)
-					self:AddDoubleLine("Cost to Prospect: " .. PM_FormatPrice(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price), " Average Return: " .. PM_FormatPrice(PM_GetReturn(item)))
-				elseif PM_ItemTable[item].subclass == PM_HERBSUBCLASS then
-					self:AddLine("Times Milled: " .. PM_ResultsTable[item].timesProspected)
-					self:AddDoubleLine("Cost to Mill: " .. PM_FormatPrice(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price), " Average Return: " .. PM_FormatPrice(PM_GetReturn(item)))
-				end
-				if lifetimeReturn-(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price) > 0 then
-					self:AddLine("Estimated Profit: " .. PM_FormatPrice(lifetimeReturn-(5 * PM_ItemTable[item].price)))
+				self:AddLine("Times Processed: " .. ProspectMe.Results[item].TimesProspected)
+				self:AddDoubleLine("Cost to Process: " .. ProspectMe.FormatPrice(5 * price), " Average Return: " .. ProspectMe.FormatPrice(lifetimeReturn))
+				if lifetimeReturn-(5 * price) > 0 then
+					self:AddLine("Estimated Profit: " ..ProspectMe.FormatPrice(lifetimeReturn-(5 * price)))
 					self:AddLine(" ")
 					self:AddLine("No profit to be made",1,0,0)
 					self:AddLine(" ")
-				if PM_Config.results then
-					local t
-					if IsAltKeyDown() == PM_Config.session then
-						t = PM_ResultsTable
-						self:AddDoubleLine("Lifetime Results","Hold/Release Alt to toggle",0.5,0.5,1,0.5,0.5,0.5)
-					else
-						t = PM_SessionTable
-						self:AddDoubleLine("Session Results","Hold/Release Alt to toggle",0.5,0.5,1,0.5,0.5,0.5)
-					end
-					if t[item] then
-						for q = 7, 0, -1 do
-							for result, num in pairs(t[item]) do 
-								if result ~= "timesProspected" and PM_ItemTable[result].quality == q and PM_Config.qualities[q] then
-									local p, n = "", ""
-									if PM_Config.percent then
-										p = num/t[item].timesProspected*100
-										if p < 10 then
-											p = string.format("[%.1f%%]", p)
-										else
-											p = string.format("[%.0f%%]", p)
-										end
+				local t
+				if IsAltKeyDown() == ProspectMe.Config.PerSession then
+					t = ProspectMe.Results
+					self:AddDoubleLine("Lifetime Results","Hold/Release Alt to toggle",0.5,0.5,1,0.5,0.5,0.5)
+				else
+					t = ProspectMe.Session
+					self:AddDoubleLine("Session Results","Hold/Release Alt to toggle",0.5,0.5,1,0.5,0.5,0.5)
+				end
+				if t[item] then
+					for q = 7, 0, -1 do
+						for result, num in pairs(t[item]) do 
+							if result ~= "TimesProspected" and select(3, GetItemInfo(result)) == q and ProspectMe.Config.ShowQualities[Quality[q]] then
+								local p, n = "", ""
+								if ProspectMe.Config.ShowPercent then
+									p = num/t[item].TimesProspected*100
+									if p < 10 then
+										p = string.format("[%.1f%%]", p)
-										p = ""
+										p = string.format("[%.0f%%]", p)
-									if PM_Config.number then
-										n = "[" .. num .. "]"
-									else
-										n = ""
-									end
-									self:AddDoubleLine(p .. PM_ItemTable[result].link .. n, PM_FormatPrice(PM_ItemTable[result].price))
+								else
+									p = ""
+								if ProspectMe.Config.ShowNumber then
+									n = "[" .. num .. "]"
+								else
+									n = ""
+								end
+								self:AddDoubleLine(p .. select(2, GetItemInfo(result)) .. n, ProspectMe.FormatPrice(ProspectMe.GetItemValue(result)))
@@ -124,4 +116,11 @@
 GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipCleared", OnTooltipCleared)
-GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", OnTooltipSetItem)
\ No newline at end of file
+GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", OnTooltipSetItem)
+ItemRefTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipCleared", OnTooltipCleared)
+ItemRefTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", OnTooltipSetItem)
+local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ProspectMe_Value")
+--frame:SetScript("OnEvent", EventHandler)
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", Initialize)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/ProspectMe_Value.lua	Thu Nov 10 12:25:50 2016 -0500
+++ b/ProspectMe_Value.lua	Thu Nov 10 12:26:14 2016 -0500
@@ -1,30 +1,26 @@
-function PM_GetItemValue(itemID)
-	local v = nil
-	if GetAuctionBuyout then -- if an installed addon supports Tekkub's GetAuctionBuyout API: Auctionator, AuctionLite, etc...
-		v = GetAuctionBuyout(itemID)
+local function Initialize ()
+	ProspectMe.GetItemValue = function (itemID)
+		local v = nil
+		if GetAuctionBuyout then -- if an installed addon supports Tekkub's GetAuctionBuyout API: Auctionator, AuctionLite, etc...
+			v = GetAuctionBuyout(itemID)
+		elseif AucAdvanced then -- Auctioneer Support
+			v = AucAdvanced.API.GetMarketValue(PM_ItemTable[itemID].link)
+		end
+		if v == nil then -- provides a failsafe if Auctioneer, etc is set to Load on Demand
+			v = select(11, GetItemInfo(itemID))
+		end
+		if v == nil then -- provides a final failsafe - if we can't find anything, set it to 0 (TY peterwemm!)
+			v = 0.0
+		end
+		return tonumber(v)
-	if v == nil then
-		if AucAdvanced then -- Auctioneer Support
-			v = AucAdvanced.API.GetMarketValue(PM_ItemTable[itemID].link)
-		else -- if nothing else, use the vendor price!
-			v = PM_ItemTable[itemID].vendorPrice
-		end
-	end
-	if v == nil then -- provides a failsafe if Auctioneer, etc is set to Load on Demand
-		v = PM_ItemTable[itemID].vendorPrice
-	end
-	if v == nil then -- provides a final failsafe - if we can't find anything, set it to 0 (TY peterwemm!)
-		v = 0.0
-	end
-	return tonumber(v)
-function PM_UpdateValues()
-	for k,v in pairs(PM_ItemTable) do
-		PM_ItemTable[k].price = PM_GetItemValue(k)
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
+local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ProspectMe_Value")
+--frame:SetScript("OnEvent", EventHandler)
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", Initialize)
\ No newline at end of file