diff ProspectMe.lua @ 0:69b46322ff1b v1.2.1-Alpha

Updated Prospect me for initial client v6.0.3 support. Warning, there may be bugs!
author Vynn
date Mon, 15 Dec 2014 22:51:49 -0500
children 61b9ea84a44c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ProspectMe.lua	Mon Dec 15 22:51:49 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+local PROSPECT_ID = 31252
+local MILLING_ID = 51005
+local PROSPECT = GetSpellInfo(PROSPECT_ID)
+local MILLING = GetSpellInfo(MILLING_ID)
+local containerID, containerLink = nil, nil
+local getContents = false
+local function PM_Init()
+	if not PM_ResultsTable then
+		PM_ResultsTable = {}
+		PM_ItemTable = {}
+	end
+	PM_SessionTable = {}
+local function CreateTableEntry(id)
+	local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subclass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo(id)
+	PM_ItemTable[id] = {}
+	PM_ItemTable[id].name = name 
+	PM_ItemTable[id].link = link
+	PM_ItemTable[id].quality = quality
+	PM_ItemTable[id].iLevel = iLevel
+	PM_ItemTable[id].reqLevel = reqLevel
+	PM_ItemTable[id].class = class
+	PM_ItemTable[id].subclass = subclass
+	PM_ItemTable[id].maxStack = maxStack
+	PM_ItemTable[id].equipSlot = equipSlot
+	PM_ItemTable[id].texture = texture
+	PM_ItemTable[id].vendorPrice = vendorPrice
+	PM_ItemTable[id].price = PM_GetItemValue(id)
+--debugging function to print the databases results
+function PM_PrintResults()
+	for container, k in pairs(PM_ResultsTable) do
+		print(PM_ItemTable[container].link, PM_ResultsTable[container].timesProspected)
+		for i, num in pairs(k) do 
+			if i ~= "timesProspected" then
+				print(PM_ItemTable[i].link, num)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function GetResults()
+	--Create tables for the Container if it doesn't exist yet
+	if not PM_ResultsTable[containerID] then
+		PM_ResultsTable[containerID] = {timesProspected = 0}
+		CreateTableEntry(containerID)
+	end
+	--Creates a session table entry, this will be cleared on log out/UI reload
+	if not PM_SessionTable[containerID] then
+		PM_SessionTable[containerID] = {timesProspected = 0}
+	end
+	for i = 1, GetNumLootItems() do
+		local itemID = GetLootSlotLink(i):match("Hitem:(%d+)")
+		local quantity = select(3, GetLootSlotInfo(i))
+		if not PM_ItemTable[itemID]	then
+			CreateTableEntry(itemID)
+		end
+		if PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] then
+			PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] = PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] + quantity
+		else
+			PM_ResultsTable[containerID][itemID] = quantity
+		end
+		if PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] then
+			PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] = PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] + quantity
+		else
+			PM_SessionTable[containerID][itemID] = quantity
+		end
+	end
+	PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected = PM_ResultsTable[containerID].timesProspected + 1
+	PM_SessionTable[containerID].timesProspected = PM_SessionTable[containerID].timesProspected + 1
+local function EventHandler(self, event, ...)
+	if event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then
+		PM_Init()
+		PM_UpdateValues()
+	end
+		local unitID, spell, rank = ...
+		if unitID == "player" and spell == PROSPECT then
+			getContents = false
+		end
+	end
+	if event == "LOOT_OPENED" then
+		if getContents then
+			GetResults()
+		end
+	end
+	if event == "LOOT_CLOSED" then
+		getContents = false
+	end
+	if event == "AUCTION_ITEM_LIST_UPDATE" then
+		PM_UpdateValues()
+	end
+local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "PM_Frame")
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", EventHandler)
+hooksecurefunc("UseContainerItem", function(...)
+	if getContents then
+		containerLink = GetContainerItemLink(...)
+		containerID = containerLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)")
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("UseItemByName", function(itemName)
+	if getContents then
+		containerLink = select(2, GetItemInfo(itemName))
+		containerID = containerLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)")
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("SpellTargetItem", function(itemName) 
+	if getContents then 
+		containerLink = select(2, GetItemInfo(itemName)) 
+		containerID = containerLink:match("Hitem:(%d+)") 
+	end 
+hooksecurefunc("CastSpell", function(...)
+	local spellName = GetSpellInfo(...)
+	if spellName:lower() == PROSPECT:lower() or spellName:lower() == MILLING:lower() then
+		getContents = true
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("CastSpellByID", function(spellID)
+	if spellID == PROSPECT_ID or spellID == MILLING_ID then
+		getContents = true
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("UseAction", function(actionID)
+	local spellID = select(2, GetActionInfo(actionID))
+	if spellID == PROSPECT_ID or spellID == MILLING_ID then
+		getContents = true
+	end
+hooksecurefunc("CastSpellByName", function(spellName, onSelf)
+	if spellName:lower() == PROSPECT:lower() or spellName:lower() == MILLING:lower() then
+		getContents = true
+	end
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